Registered Dietitian

Lauren Walega RD, LDN has been a registered dietitian for 4 years with an abundance of experience in acute and long-term clinical care settings as well as community outreach and eating disorders.   Lauren focuses on providing non-diet and accessible nutrition advice with a focus on a holistic, balanced approach paired with scientific evidence.   She believes in flexibility with food and health at every size.

Originally from Scranton, Pennsylvania, she received her bachelor’s degree in nutrition from Penn State University.  She then completed her 9-month dietetic internship at Meredith College in Raleigh, NC.  Lauren is currently working as a full travel dietitian on the West Coast while completing her 3-year Master’s of Science Degree in Ayurveda and Functional Medicine virtually at Maharishi International University.  Lauren also practices as a reiki therapist as she believes energy plays an important role in overall health.